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Smile Makeover

Smile Makeover

What is the Smile Makeover?

Numerous dental issues may make you appear unsightly and make it uncomfortable for you to smile in public. Such dental issues could include tooth discoloration, tooth misalignment, tooth loss, chipped tooth, and tooth shape. With the advancement of modern dentistry, there are now alternatives for treatments that can give your teeth a gorgeous makeover, giving you more confidence to smile & laugh in public without covering your teeth. Bonding, teeth whitening, veneers, fillings, bridges, implants, and in some circumstances, cosmetic surgery, are all part of cosmetic dentistry. Your smile can be made incredibly gorgeous with the assistance of these treatment choices. Designing one’s smile is the primary goal of a smile makeover.

A smile makeover takes into consideration your complexion, facial features, gum tissue color, lip shape and color, hair color, and even your hair color in addition to the grin style you choose. Your dentist’s expertise in designing the smile you want will depend on how to give your smile the best makeover. A smile makeover would first address any current dental problems, such as untreated tooth decay or bruxism, which can cause jaw pain and structural damage to your teeth as well as cause bleeding gums, foul breath, and gum inflammation.

The technology that is frequently employed for your smile makeover includes air abrasion devices, intraoral cameras, digital x-rays, computer imaging, and cone beam imaging.

How is the Smile Makeover treatment done?

A smile makeover may be necessary to address a variety of dental problems, including gaps between teeth, misaligned teeth, chipped teeth, discolored teeth, missing teeth, the need to maintain harmony and balance among the teeth, and even the need to improve the smile using orthodontics or oral maxillofacial surgery. Porcelain veneers, which are custom produced either on the dentist’s premises or off-site with the use of digital photographs, are one of the primary treatment choices used for smile makeovers. Lifelike veneers are manufactured that are very thin but similarly durable and then attach with the help of dental cement on the surface of the teeth. The teeth are cleaned with an acid solution before veneer affixing.

Porcelain veneers can be used for smile makeovers to fill up minor gaps between teeth, realign misaligned and worn-out teeth, and give your teeth a bright white appearance. Another treatment option for improving smiles is tooth whitening. The user will experience just minor discomfort throughout this relatively short and convenient operation. With the aid of bleach, tooth whitening entails getting rid of the stains that coffee, tea, alcohol, and other substances leave on teeth. The teeth get several colours brighter and more sparkly after the process.

Dental Composite bonding uses dental resin to be applied to the teeth, much like veneers. The dental professional will select the ideal shade of bonding to match the color of your teeth from the variety of tooth-colored options available. After applying the adhesive, it is cemented with the aid of a curing light before being polished to create a natural gloss. People who have abnormally small smiles also want smile makeovers. Such a problem is more of a gum problem than a dental problem. Gum recontouring, which involves removing the necessary quantity of soft gum tissue to create the appropriate smile, can therefore be used to remedy the problem. Similar to this, disproportionate teeth are shaped during dental contouring.

For a lovely, proportionate smile, the teeth are cut, polished, and given air abrasion treatment. Crooked teeth can be fixed with orthodontic treatment. Other ways to create the ideal smile include dental implants, crowns, bridges, and tooth fillings.

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