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Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Full Mouth Rehabilitation in Ahmedabad

Full mouth rehabilitation may appear to be a Difficult and Technically precision needed process, but it simply entails combining restorative dentistry procedures to repair or reconstruct your smile. In addition to restoring your ability to smile, our aim is to reinforce and fortify your healthy oral tissues and tooth structures. Your full mouth reconstruction procedures will vary depending on the problems that specifically impact your smile. During your appointment, we will go over all of your dental concerns and the treatment options that will help you restore your smile in a minimally invasive, conservative manner.

The Reason for Restoration Dentistry

Since your teeth cannot heal from damage or infection on their own, dental restoration is not simply a possibility; it is a requirement. Your oral health will be seriously jeopardized if you permit a chipped edge, a cracked surface, or even a small cavity to worsen by going untreated.

A single damaged tooth may frequently be restored with a dental crown or filling. However, a lot of people have a variety of difficulties with several teeth and/or the gum tissues surrounding them. When more than one surgery is necessary to restore the health of your smile, complete mouth reconstruction may be the best option. Restorative dentistry aims to do just that.

Designing Your Full Mouth Rehabilitation

We provide a range of therapies to meet your specific needs, whether you have gum disease and need periodontal treatment, damaged, infected, missing teeth, or both. Your whole mouth reconstruction may consist of the following, depending on your condition:

  • Teeth-covering, -protecting, and -restoring dental crowns.
  • Porcelain veneers can simultaneously improve the appearance of multiple teeth.
  • Dental implants to replace all of the teeth.
  • TMJ therapy to enhance the function of your bite and ease jaw discomfort.

How does the Process Begin?

Visit your dentist for a thorough evaluation if you believe you need reconstruction. Your dentist will examine your oral cavity to assess the severity of the issue and the available treatment choices. Your dentist will specifically check the state of your:

Teeth: Depending on the state of your teeth, restorative operations such as porcelain veneers or full-coverage crowns, inlays or onlays, bridges, or implants repaired with a crown may be necessary. Your dentist will specifically note any cavities, decay, worn or cracked teeth, short or long teeth, root canal problems, and any tooth movement.

Periodontal (gum) tissues: If your gums are unhealthy, scaling and root planing will probably be required to treat your periodontal disease. To ensure that the newly rebuilt teeth will have a strong foundation, you might need more intensive periodontal treatments. For these treatments, you may need bone or soft tissue grafts to strengthen your jaw bone and gums. Your dentist will check for deep pockets, too much or too little gum tissue, periodontal disease, and anomalies in bone density.

Jaw muscles, temporomandibular joints, and occlusion: Your entire dental health depends on having a stable bite—one that doesn’t hurt when you chew or close your mouth, and one that doesn’t wear down or damage your teeth. When planning your restorations, your dentist must take into account occlusal changes. In fact, before undergoing more restorative operations, you could need orthodontics or another kind of treatment (such as a night guard or a bite retraining orthotic) to rectify your occlusion.

Esthetics: A full mouth reconstruction must take into account your teeth’s color, shape, size, and proportions as well as how they relate to your lips, gums, mouth, side profile, and face.

A model of your bite, upper and lower tooth imprints, models of your teeth created from the impressions, and X-rays and images of your mouth are all needed for the assessment process. To create the optimal treatment plan for you, your dentist may also suggest that you visit a specialist (periodontist, orthodontist, or oral surgeon) for a consultation.

Your dentist will create a thorough, step-by-step treatment plan to address all of the issues in your mouth and finish your reconstruction after gathering all the data pertinent to your situation. Ask for a thorough written description of the suggested treatment plan so you can review it if the method is explained to you leaves you confused.. Make sure you are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the suggested surgeries and therapies.

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