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Tooth Extraction in Ahmedabad

Tooth Extraction Treatment

The removal of wisdom teeth is frequent dental surgery treatment. It’s frequently suggested as a preventative approach to safeguard your dental health and shield your other teeth from potential issues. Most patients recover quickly and can resume their regular activities within a few days.

What is wisdom teeth removal?

The removal of wisdom teeth involves pulling out the four permanent adult teeth known as third molars, which are found in the very rear of the upper and lower jaws. The average age at which wisdom teeth erupt is between 17 and 21. The majority of people have all four wisdom teeth. According to estimates, 5 to 37 percent of adults only have some, or occasionally none, of their wisdom teeth.

Why do we have wisdom teeth?

The majority of our ancestors’ diet was made up of hard nuts, crunchy leaves, and raw flesh, according to researchers, thus wisdom teeth may not have been necessary for them to have. Today, however, we consume more cooked food and cut it into smaller pieces with forks and knives. Therefore, wisdom teeth are frequently considered to be vestigial features (parts of the human body that have become unnecessary).

How old should I be when getting my wisdom teeth removed?

One can have wisdom teeth removed at any age. Nevertheless, a lot of dentists advise having them removed in your late teens or early 20s. Your wisdom teeth are still growing at this point in their development. They might be simpler to remove and less likely to cause difficulties as a result.

What happens before wisdom teeth extraction?

You will be attended by an oral surgeon from your dentist for a consultation. The surgeon will examine your wisdom teeth and take dental X-rays to pinpoint their precise location during this appointment. They’ll also talk to you about your sedative alternatives. Depending on your particular needs, wisdom tooth extraction is often done under local anaesthetic, IV sedation, or general anaesthesia.

Any drugs, vitamins, or supplements you are currently taking should be disclosed to your surgeon. You should use this opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding the operation.

What happens during wisdom teeth removal?

Your surgeon will apply local anaesthesia to numb the teeth and gums after sedative drugs have been delivered. Wisdom teeth that have impacted (get stuck in the gums or bone) can be removed with sufficient access, thanks to incisions. Your oral surgeon carefully separates and pulls the wisdom teeth from their sockets once they are visible, cleans the affected areas, and takes stitches afterwards if needed. The stitches will typically disappear on their own after a few days.

How long does it take to remove wisdom teeth?

The average time for wisdom tooth removal is one hour or less. Complex instances could require more time.

What happens after wisdom teeth removal?

You might anticipate some minor discomfort following wisdom tooth removal, along with a little bleeding and swelling. To lessen these side effects, your dental surgeon will provide you with treatment guidelines for your wisdom teeth.

What are the advantages of wisdom teeth removal?

The biggest advantage of having wisdom teeth removed is that it lowers the risk of developing future oral health issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, damage to neighbouring teeth, bone loss, and jaw damage. If you already experience pain from your wisdom teeth, extraction can almost instantly relieve it and put you back on the path to excellent oral health.

What to eat after wisdom teeth removal?

Ice cream and other cold meals can also be soothing to the surgery areas. Avoid meals that are rough, crunchy, or spicy because they can irritate your tissues. Lastly, refrain from using straws when drinking. Blood clots can be dislodged by suction, which is useful for healing.


The day after surgery, you can eat soft foods and resume your normal daily activities. In general, it can take between 3 days to 7 days to recover from tooth extraction treatment. To promote healing and stave off infection, you must adhere to the at-home care instructions your dentist provides you.

Searching for tooth extractions near me ? At Anvay Dental Clinic, we provide tooth extractions in Ahmedabad. Our goal is to ensure each patient feels comfortable while receiving treatment at our office. We will make every effort to ensure you have a pleasant experience.

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